Fun-filled and Awe-inspiring Private Cooking Class.

Offering professional and private Online Cooking Class that takes your home-cooking to a whole new height!

Be Inspired to Cook While You Learn!
Online Cooking Class

Do You Lack The Time to Attend the Conventional Catering School?

Do you need someone to guide you while you make those yummy dishes you love?

Do you need a personal coach to assist you with your daily cooking?

Are you tired of buying tasty foods from the restaurants but not being able to make them at home?

Are you interested in a private cooking class?ย 

Chef Chidi offers virtual assistance from his kitchen to the comfort of your own kitchen.

Let’s guide you to make those delicious meals you love to eat but haven’t learned to make them yet.

With Good foods, comes joy and happiness!

Everybody Can be The Winner!

Learn to cook online

Yes! That’s how you feel when you finally get it right.

How Does This Works?

Simple! Just like physical classes, but even better, you shop for the ingredients from your local market using a list provided for you.

You buy everything on the list from your local market.

Back home, you get the help of a master chef right there in your own kitchen guiding you through every step to make a flavourful dish.

What Do I Need To Start?

You will need a smart device with internet connection. Any smart phone with good internet connection would do, and of course, you need a kitchen.

Will This Make me a Good Cook?

Yes, this is a 100% practical class where you are doing 100% of the cooking. Statistics has shown that people learn faster with practical methods.

Online Private Cooking Class

Chef in Charge

Chef Chidi is a celebrity chef, writer, food blogger and bestselling author of the ultimate Nigerian cookbook.

He is currently exploring foods from Africa and writing about them.

You are guaranteed a professional online coaching sessions.

Over the last 15 years, I have been able to build a community of like-minded people, men/women that love Nigerian foods. I reach out to thousands of people daily and sale thousands of cookbooks and coaching sessions yearly.

Chef Chidiebere

What Comes With This Online Cooking Class?

Virtual (Online) Cooking Sessions.

You get cooking sessions where you can work with the chef to make any meal of your choice, you can interact, ask questions and learn.

Virtual cooking sessions runs Monday-Saturday, 6 days a week. You choose your days and time to suit your activities.ย 

A Certificate

By the end of your sessions, You will be issued a certificate, just like conventional catering schools.

Every champion deserves a crown!

A Free Cookbook

Receive a complimentary copy of the Ultimate Nigerian Cookbook! (A 25000 Naira value)

Ultimate Nigerian cookbook is a bestselling 216-paged wonderful cookbook that sales thousands of copies yearly in Nigeria and in diaspora.

Call Chef To The Rescue

Get help in real time when you call the chef right from your kitchen.

Not knowing what to add next?

Subscribe to our masterclass package, you get the option to call the chef when you are stuck with any recipe

You can ask any question or be guided to finish your cooking.

Available Options

Starter Pack!


One hundred and twenty-five thousand naira only.

Advanced Pack!


Two hundred and twenty-five thousand naira only.

Master Class Pack!


Three hundred and twenty-five thousand naira only.

You are getting a Lively Virtual Cooking Sessions

Online catering classes

Subscribe to one-on-one private coaching to save yourself from the headache, hassles and stress that comes from not knowing what should be added next!ย 

And What is More?

Nigerian cookery book

Free Cookbook For You

All of the packages above comes with a free copy of the ultimate Nigerian cookbook – delivered at your door step. The ultimate Nigerian cookbook is the best selling Nigerian cookbook with thousands of copies sold globally, yearly.

online cooking training

10 Free Videos For You

Once your subscription is received you will be sent a link to download our premium videos for some of the popular Nigerian & International recipe

Nigerian catering online

Become a Pro Chef

With proper certification for this program you are few steps away from becoming a professional chef.

But Why Private Coaching

It has been statically proven that people learn faster when the the torchlight is on them.

Private classes are convenient, flexible and comforting.

Is This Just For Nigerians?

Definitely No! This packages are for Nigerians and Nigerian food lovers. It doesn’t matter where you live in the world you can benefit from this opportunity.ย 

Schedule a Call!

Let Us Call You to Ascertain Your Eligibility for This Program

Enter Your Details Below.

What Happens After You Schedule a Call?

Once we receive your details, we will call you to ascertain your eligibility.

Session days and times are thereafter scheduled at your convenience once your fee is received.

Be Guided From Start to Finish!

Get the help of the chef from start to finish of every meal, right from shopping to cooking! Every step via interactive visual sessions.

Welcome to a whole new Era!

Online Catering School

Who Can Participate?

Anyone Can Participate

You can take advantage of this offer to upgrade your cooking skill, learn to cook those foods you love via a private interactive and fun-filled sessions.

Your Domestic Staff

Yes, weย  can train your cook, your help or even your kids, anyone in your house can be guided to make any dish while you take the much needed rest.

Schedule a Call!

Let Us Call You to Ascertain Your Eligibility for This Program

Enter Your Details Below.